
"Displaying the input signal value on the 7-segment LED display"


Choon B. Kim, Ph.D., a retired ASIC engineer


1. Design Specifications:

1.1) Your design takes an input of 4-bit binary number at the Toggle Switches(SW[3:0]) (Up=1, Down=0).

1.2) The input bit is also indicated by the Red LEDs(LEDR[3:0]) (ON=1, OFF=0).

1.3) The design converts the input value into a 2-digit decimal number and a hexadecimal number.

1.4) The design displays the results on four 7-SEG Display Modules(HEX3-HEX0):

          The decimal number at HEX3 and HEX2.  The hexadecimal number at HEX0.

Input and Output table

 Input                        Output

SW[3:0]             HEX3HEX2   HEX0


0000                          00         0

0001                          01         1

0010                          02         2

0011                          03         3


1000                          08         8

1001                          09         9

1010                          10         A

1011                          11         b    // <--- Use lower case b here

1100                          12         C

1101                          13         d    // <--- Use lower case d here

1110                          14         E

1111                          15         F



2. Testing (video on YouTube):

Test case: 
      Display several numbers at random.


3. Recommended additional work:

Add an input value checking feature to above Lab by doing followings.

Connect an LED light(e.g., green color) to the board IO port(e.g., GPIO).

It's ON if (input value) >= A in hex(=10 in decimal).

Test video:



4. Key lesson(s) learned from this Lab:

- Basic digital design flow with FPGA board, EDA SW, HDL(Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, etc.) and its synthesizable set.


- Basic combinational circuit design skill


5. Timing(optional):

Assuming your design is used as a part of a bigger clock-based system, find the maximum clock frequency of your design.

Explain how you get it.


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