
-- Online educational website for learning beginner-level computer engineering by doing practical lab projects




1. Digital System Design Lab Projects using FPGA Board


      (Note about FPGA board used in the lab project :

             The lab projects are not specific to any particular FPGA board. Any FPGA board with basic IO interface &

             associated EDA SW can be used. Here Altera DE1 FPGA board with Quartus II v.13.0.1 EDA SW was used.)


Digital_Lab_01      "Displaying the input signal value on the 7-segment LED display"

Digital_Lab_01A   "Arithmetic operations of two input signals"

Digital_Lab_02      "Sensing and Counting the user inputs"

Digital_Lab_03      "Stopwatch"

Digital_Lab_04      "Moving light and message"


Digital_Lab_21      "Soda Vending Machine"


Digital_Lab_41      "(Very) Small Computer System Design"





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