
"Soda Vending Machine"


Choon B. Kim, Ph.D., a retired ASIC engineer


1. Design Specifications:

You design a Soda Vending Machine(SVM) with following features. The price of a soda is 35 cents.

1.1) Power-on state:  When the power is turned on,  HEX3-1(7-segment Display) = "SodA"

1.2) Initial state of SVM:   When pressing KEY(3) at the Power-on state,  HEX3-1 = "0000"

1.3) Inputs:    - User specifies input(s) using SW[4:0] to get a soda and change, if any,  from the SVM.

                         - A specified input is submitted to SVM by pressing KEY[3].

                         - HEX3-1 displays the amount of  the Payment and the Change, or other value(s) depending on the input

1.3.1) SW[0] = 1 for Nickel

1.3.2) SW[1] = 1 for Dime

1.3.3) SW[2] = 1 for Quarter

1.3.4) SW[3] = 1 for $1-dollar bill

1.3.5) SW[4] = 1 for Credit card


1.3.6) SW[6:5]   **** NOT used ****


1.3.7) SW[7] = 1 for Reset/Clear the SVM  ==> HEX3-1 = "0000" (SVM moves to Initial State)

1.3.8) SW[8] = 1 for Exit SVM and move to the Power-on state  ==>   HEX3-1(7-segment Display) = "SodA"

1.3.9) SW[9] = 1 for Displaying the current total number of dispencing on HEX3-1( e.g., HEX3-1 = "0003" when 3 times of dispensing occurred)


1.4) Input error checking:  

        When more than one inputs are submitted (e.g., SW[1:0] = 11),   HEX3-1 = "Err " and No payment is made.

1.5) Dispensing:  

        When the payment >= 35 cents,  HEX3-1 displays the amount "Payment : Change" and LEDG[9:0] = blinking(sign of dispensing).

1.6) Reset/Clear:  

        When SW[7] = 1,  HEX3-1 = "0000" (SVM moves to Initial State)

1.7) Exit SVM:  

        When SW[8] = 1,  HEX3-1 = "SodA" (SVM moves to Power-on state)


2. Testing(video on YouTube):

Test case:


3. Key lesson(s) learned from this Lab:

 How to handle the FSM  in digital system design.


4. Timing(optional):

Assuming your design is used as a part of a bigger clock-based system, find the maximum clock frequency of your design.

Explain how you get it.


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