
"(Very) Small Computer System Design"


Choon B. Kim, Ph.D., a retired ASIC engineer


Prerequite: This Lab assumes that you have basic knowledge of computer architecture, its low-level operations, and machine/assembly language programming. If you do not, it is recommended for you to spend some time for learning them before trying this lab.


1. Design Specifications:

In this lab, you will design a very small, introductory-level computer system on FPGA board with following features.

1.1) Architecture

1.1.1)  CPU :    8-bit PC,  16-bit IR & AC,   ALU,  Control Unit

1.1.2)  External memory :   16-bit word  x  265 words

1.1.3)  Bus :    8-bit Address Bus,  16-bit Data Bus, 

1.1.4)  Bus Interface Register :    8-bit MAR,  16-bit MDR

1.2) Instruction set:   Here, you can specify your own instruction set which defines the operation of your computer. 

                                        A few common instructions are listed here for your reference and testing purpose.

Instruction        Mnemonic        Operation Preformed                                                Opcode Value

ADD                 Address             AC <= AC + memory(Address)                                        00

STORE            Address             memory(Address) <= AC                                                   01

LOAD               Address             AC <= memory(Address)                                                  02

JUMP               Address             PC <= Address                                                                 03

XNOR              Address             AC <=  AC  XOR  memory(Address)                                04

SUB                 Address             AC <=  AC - memory(Address)                                         05

XOR                 Address             AC <=  AC  XOR  memory(Address)                                06

OR                   Address             AC <=  AC  OR  memory(Address)                                   07

AND                 Address             AC <=  AC  AND  memory(Address)                                08

ADDI                Data                   AC <=  AC  +   Data                                                            09

SHL                Data                   AC <= AC shifted left by data bits                                       0A

SHR                Data                   AC <= AC shifted right by data bits                                     0B

OUT                     xxxx              7-Seg LED displays hex value of AC                                   0C


1.3) Clock:   Use 5 Hz clock for testing purpose(for easy reading the output on 7-sement Didplay )

1.4) Power-on initial state:     Turn on the power ==>  HEX3-1 = "0000": 

1.5) Initial state of Computer:     Press KEY(3)  ==>  HEX3-1 = "0000"

1.6) Input :  User provides the computer a link to a .mif file of input program written in machine language.

1.4) Output:  The output is displayed on  HEX3-1(7-segment Display) following the SW settings below.

1.4.1) SW[3:0] = 0000 ==>  HEX3-1 = "0000"

1.4.2) SW[3:0] = 0001 ==>  HEX3-1 = PC

1.4.3) SW[3:0] = 0010 ==>  HEX3-1 = OUT instruction (=hex value of AC)

1.4.4) SW[3:0] = 0100 ==>  HEX3-1 = IR

1.4.5) SW[3:0] = 1000 ==>  HEX3-1 = MDR

1.4.6) SW[7:4]   not used...

1.4.7) SW[8] = 1 for doubling the clock frequency to 10 Hz for testing purpose only

1.4.8) SW[9] = 1 for Pause operation

2. Testing(video on YouTube):

Test case

The test program adds two numbers ("AAAA", "1111") in memory and stores the result("bbbb") in memory, and repeats the same process.

Various outputs based on SW[3:0] will be displayed in HEX3-1. For example, when SW[3:0] = 0010,  the pattern, "AAAA......bbbb" should repeat continously.

The mif file for the test case:

-- Digital_Lab_41

DEPTH = 256;    % Memory depth and width are required %
WIDTH  = 16;       % Enter a decimal number %

ADDRESS_RADIX = HEX;       % Address and value radixes are optional %
DATA_RADIX = HEX;                % Enter BIN, DEC, HEX, or OCT; unless    %
                                                       % otherwise specified, radixes = HEX        %

-- Specify values for addresses, which can be single address or range
-- program:  add A + B = C

[00..FF]        :         0000;             % Range--Every address from 00 to FF = 0000 (Default) %

00                 :         0211;             % LOAD A with MEM(11)      %
01                 :         0C00;             % OUT Acc                             %
02                 :         0012;              % A = A + MEM(12)              %
03                 :         0113;              % STORE A to MEM(13)      %
04                 :         0213;              % LOAD A with MEM(13)     %
05                 :         0C00;              % OUT Acc                             %
06                 :         0300;              % JUMP to 00 (loop forever) %
10                 :         0000;              % Reset Value                         %
11                 :         AAAA;            % A                                            %
12                 :         1111;              % B                                            %
13                 :         0000;              % C, output value                      %


3. Recommended additional work:

Add following instruction(s) to your computer system design.

3.1) Random number generation

Instruction        Mnemonic        Operation Preformed                                                Opcode Value

RANDOM               Data              AC <= 4-bit Random Number                                             0x55

Test case mif file:

[00..FF] : 0000;                % Range--Every address from 00 to FF = 0000 (Default) %
00     :     0210;                 % Reset AC - LOAD A with 0000 at MEM(10) %
01     :     5500;                 % A random number generated at AC %
02     :     0C00;                 % OUT AC %
03     :     0300;                 % JUMP to 00 (loop forever) %
10     :     0000;                 % Reset Value %

Test video:


3.2) Indirect addressing

Instruction        Mnemonic        Operation Preformed                                                Opcode Value

ADDIND               Address              AC <= AC +  memory(Indirect Address)                           0x56

Test case mif file:

[00..FF] : 0000;             % Range--Every address from 00 to FF = 0000 (Default) %
00     :     0210;             % LOAD AC with MEM(10) -- initialize AC %
01     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
02     :     5611;             % ADD INDIRECT memory contents to AC %
03     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
04     :     5613;             % ADD INDIRECT memory contents to AC %
05     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
06     :     0300;             % JUMP to 00 (loop forever) %
10     :     0004;
11     :     0012;
12     :     0009;
13     :     0010;

Test video:



3.3) PCR(Program Counter-Relative) addressing

Instruction        Mnemonic        Operation Preformed                                                Opcode Value

ADDPCR               Data              AC <= AC +  memory(PCR Address)                           0x57

Test case mif file:

[00..FF] : 0000;             % Range--Every address from 00 to FF = 0000 (Default) %
00     :     0210;             % LOAD AC with MEM(10) -- initialize AC %
01     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
02     :     570E;             % ADD PCR memory content to AC %
03     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
04     :     570D;             % ADD PCR memory content to AC %
05     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
06     :     570C;             % ADD PCR memory content to AC %
07     :     0C00;             % OUT AC %
08     :     0300;              % JUMP to 00 (loop forever) %
10     :     000A;
11     :     0009;
12     :     000C;
13     :     001B;

Test video:



 4. Key lesson(s) learned from this Lab:

 How to handle the basic computer system design in digital system design.


5. Timing(optional):

Assuming your design is used as a part of a bigger clock-based system, find the maximum clock frequency of your design.

Explain how you get it.


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